
Safe Routes to Transit: Bus Stop Safety and Accessibility Improvements

Current Status

Planning and Preliminary Design. First round of projects scheduled for delivery in 2025. 

Project Overview

Nearly every passenger trip begins or ends on the roadside at one of MARTA’s almost 9,000 bus stops. Missing sidewalks or unsafe crossings can create real barriers to mobility for MARTA’s customers. MARTA’s Safe Routes to Transit program (SR2T) improves safety and accessibility at MARTA’s existing bus stops and amenities. 

The SR2T program addresses barriers for pedestrians and provides safe access to existing bus stops through various low-cost, capital improvements, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) treatments. 

Key Project Features:

Enhancements vary by location needs but may include elements such as:

  • High-visibility crosswalks
  • Signage curb extensions
  • Medians and refuge islands
  • Rectangular rapid-flash and pedestrian hybrid beacons (crosswalks with signals)
  • Small sidewalk segments
  • Curb ramps

MARTA will improve at least 96 stop locations per year over the course of two years with equal distribution across three U.S. Congressional Districts (4, 5, 13) within MARTA jurisdictions. 

In Fall 2024, jurisdictional stakeholders will be invited to provide feedback on concept designs. Implementation and construction are scheduled for completion in Winter 2025. 


Image Description: The map above shows where MARTA’s service area overlaps with Congressional Districts 4, 5, and 13. MARTA’s Safe Routes to Transit project will operate in these parts of Fulton, Dekalb and Clayton Counties, plus the City of Atlanta. 


Image Description: The image above shows the MARTA bus stop outside North Atlanta High School before improvements under the Safe Routes to Transit program. A single metal pole is mounted in the ground between the roadway and a drainage ditch. 


Image Description: The image above shows the MARTA bus stop at North Atlanta High School after improvements from the Safe Routes to Transit program. There is a new concrete pad, curbing, shelter, trash can, and sidewalk leading to an accessible ramp and crosswalk. 


Safe Routes to Transit Fact Sheet with project timeline – September 4, 2024 

Safe Routes to Transit Press Release

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Corentin Auguin, Project Manager, Office of Local Corridors & Hubs
2424 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30324